A whole new month and a whole set of new challenges.
I have signed up for the Chapter Book Challenge... ChaBooCha. With this year's mascot Nabu the badger watching over us all, the participants will be encouraged to write a complete draft of a chapter book in the 30 days of March. There is an excellent blog with guest bloggers and prizes as well as plenty to learn and lots of new friends to make.
http://chapterbookchallenge.blogspot.com.au/p/sign-up-for-chaboocha.html the sign up page
there is a facebook group and a lot of good networking.
I missed last years challenge by nano seconds but I joined the FB group and for the past year have been encouraged by the people in the group to follow my dreams. Since then I have had work published in 13 anthologies as well as lots of flash fiction in competitions and ezines.
If you always wanted to write a book for kids then this is a very good place to start.
I also decided to sign up for the 'blog your book' challenge and I will be blogging about the progress of my chapter book each day.

So each day in March I am going to blog about my chapter book. The actual challenge is in April according to the site so I will use this month as a practice month and do another one next month.
On the 3rd of March I will participate in
so come back then to see what I have to say about myself and my writing process.
Of course I will still be doing the 52 week challenge and the petite revimo on or about the 12th.
February was great. I completed the Picture Book Marathon and came up with 28 ideas. I completed the first draft of a picture book for 12 x 12, I did MiniWOW and petite revimo and did close to 28 pieces of art for the 52 week challenge. I also submitted four flash fiction pieces online and my prize for the Holiday story competition arrived.
a marvelous prize for a fun competition. I contributed one story and several pieces of art for this three volume anthology of stories.
I am missing the art while I am down here in the city however today I attended a marvellous writing workshop at the Oakleigh library organised by the wonderful
I do like Oakleigh, it has such a wonderful community atmosphere.
I had some delicious Persian kebabs tonight with garlic nan and my tummy is very content.
so about my chapter book.
Title: My Aunt Poe.
The story is about a young boy who travels from America to Australia to live with his Great Aunt for the summer while his parents are working in a dangerous country. His Aunt is named after Edgar Allen Poe and is eccentric, crabby and not used to children and she does not like boys, Americans in general, schools, electronic devices and a great list of other things. The two must learn to live in each others company and move through their many misadventures to a more conducive living arrangement.
I will put up the research and precis every few days but not the actual chapters but I will give a word count tally once I am home and typing without distraction.
watch this space. :)
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Thank you for taking the time to read my chatter and look at my pictures. I hope you found something to brighten your day. <3