Windy weather is a good excuse not to go for a walk and my picture book idea today is about excuses. Excuses are the way we lie to ourselves or how we justify a behaviour or choice. I have dozens of ideas I want to explore in much more detail and they are tumbling around in my head, I have always had ideas, lots of ideas but I have made excuses for years for why I couldn't pursue this career and commit those ideas to a book. Lack of trust in myself, lack of belief in my abilities and a serious lack of motivation, self motivation, have led to a serious delay in me embracing my talents and skills. The good thing about the long delay is that I have crammed my life full of experience to draw on to write so no more excuses I have 5000 words to get down on the pages today. Hope your Saturday is as productive as I intend mine to be. Sending out love to you.

End of the day and I thoroughly enjoyed several writing sprints with some romance writers ending the day with the totals of 18375 for my Nanowrimo novel and 16411 on the romance. I had the delightful opportunity to read some of the story aloud to tow lovely ladies and had some very enthusiastic feedback. The this evening after having seven people visiting today I was able to chat in the writers forums and speak with some interesting people about the variety of things they all write and what inspires them and how they build their support networks around them. My eyes are sliding shut of their own accord so I had best get myself to bed ready for another round of heavy duty writing tomorrow. A good day all around. xoxox
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Thank you for taking the time to read my chatter and look at my pictures. I hope you found something to brighten your day. <3