
Wednesday, 21 May 2014

weepy wow what when how Wednesday

Today I felt the whole roller coaster ride of emotions. I sent daughter dear on the train to a birthday party and she forgot something vital so I had to run home and rush to the post office and priority pay it thus adding to the expense of an already expensive day. I was feeling a bit pushed to the wall financially already but put the essentials in the fridge for the boyos while I head off to Philip Island for a writing workshop. I had written my woes to a friend who offered to help but by the time I received her reply I had already ranted raged and ranted my distress to my ever patient tallest boy who just let me get it all off my chest. When I calmed down I had formulated a plan.
I checked with the taxation department that my ABN was still valid - Australian Business Number- which I had organised way back in 2001 when I was intending to become a world famous overnight sensation as a novelist. The ABN has gathered dust ever since but is still active and I updated my name and address details with a view to making my PLAN come to fruition.

I already have teaching qualifications and I already have writing credits to my name and I studied professional writing and editing so over the next few weeks I am going to do everything possible to start up a creative writing short course. I will advertise for expressions of interest, find a venue, write my lessons plans and set a price. I need to be earning an income to support my dearly beloved offspring and their computer addictions and I need to know that my writing and teaching skills are worth all the hard work to obtain.

Fingers crossed. I feel so much better now that I have made a plan and set a goal. I need to also learn how to use business management software so I can keep my books in order. woooo another learning curve coming my way.

I organised a folder of my rejection letters today.
I was told recently I should consider 40 rejections as the average before success. So far I have seven. How exciting I am sixth of the way to success.
I have folders for everything so it really puzzles me where my WIP support material has disappeared to. Oh well I shall have to try and remember all that stuff.
 I have folders for my submitted work, my Video boot camp, my art work roughs for other writers.
I have folders for each week of the 52 week art challenge, a folder for my chapter book challenge, one for my picture book ideas and one for my sketch a day challenge pieces, one for the holiday sketching and another for the writing of other people. I have folders for my magazines and a whole crate of folders filled with my writing course information, class work and required reading.

I have a huge plastic tub filled with more art and my folio cover. 

 I have a large number of folders with art and short stories in them.
Some of the folders have reviews and some have lesson plans.

Some of my folders have study notes from decades ago in many many different areas of study.
 I have one folder bursting at the seams filled with certificates and statement of attainment documents.
When I decided to become a writer at last for real and with purpose that was when I knew I had to become really organised.  My desk is covered in post it notes and graphic organisers.
My 'belonging' details for the organisations I joined are all at my fingertips and my resource books are on the shelves within easy reach of my desk chair.

So Wednesday started with weeping and wailing and ended up with wonder and wow. What a wonderful day it has been. Now if only I could find those support notes? Hmmmmmm I'm off. tootles.


  1. The car? the fridge? the world beyond the washing machine where the odd socks live?

    1. there is a carrot under the 'fridge. I found the papers thank goodness and Geoff showed me how to draw a family tree and save it to my drop box. It was intense for a day or two.


Thank you for taking the time to read my chatter and look at my pictures. I hope you found something to brighten your day. <3