I decided I would embark on a photo challenge for June and so for day 1 Joy and 2 Doing here are my photos.
The first photo is of my desk.
JOY What brings me joy? Creating my works of fiction, Dr Who, picture books, knowledge, pop culture references and books and my desk is loaded with all of those things and more, including my mug of hot cocoa or tea. The desk is covered in sticky notes and my bag pipe chanter and I have a dusty clarinet with music and a definite statement that I need to repeat daily "I am a Writer!'. All these things are part of the joy of my life.
the second photo is of me typing my current WIP.
DOING A thing I am doing daily is write. I also create art daily so both things are my 'doing'. This is my life's dream, to be a writer and artist and have others appreciate my work.
oh and the photo for day three is FAMILY

This is two photographs of my hallway which contains representations of my family. There are photographs on the wall of my children, foster children, step children and extended connections, there are photos of my friends who are family, items owned by my children, pop culture references in the forms of dolls and soft toys, things my children have made or do, paintings by friends and images of places that were dear to me. Family is more than just people or genetic connections it encompasses so many layers and subtleties. Books are part of my family dynamics. Much of what I know about being a family I garnered from books. My earliest 'parents' were the authors whose works I loved so much it shaped who I became. So no picture of family would be complete without books. My worldwide family of writers is part of who I am as a writer. Bag of Bacon Games is the logo of one of my sons' budding game company, the carved fish is another sons first ever play with the MDF machine, cosplay items for my daughter and baby tigers for another son...
The next challenge for June is the Romance Writers of Australia June marathon 50k challenge. I need to be writing 1600 words a day to meet this challenge so I need to write 4800 words today to catch up. Best get cracking. I do have a marvelous idea I wish to expand this month so I have the skeleton already.
Get ready for WOW 2014!
one week of dedicated writing of non fiction stories. 21st-27th June
The final challenge for June is WOW the week of non fiction picture book
writing. I have already been in the mini WOW and have my seven ideas
and have collected some reference material but need to collect a lot
more before the 20th of the month.
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Thank you for taking the time to read my chatter and look at my pictures. I hope you found something to brighten your day. <3